KPN Annual Report 2019.
The network of the Netherlands

KPN has been connecting people, companies and, to an increasing extent, devices with one another for more than a century. With its fixed and mobile networks KPN is literally entrenched in the Netherlands. Everyone in the Netherlands – whether a KPN customer or not – makes use of our network every day. We are rightly the network of the Netherlands. Together with our employees and trading partners we are building an even stronger KPN that is future-proof and that is determined to become the undisputed quality leader for our customers, employees and trading partners, and for Dutch society as a whole.

Introduction by CEO Joost Farwerck

Becoming the undisputed quality leader in the Netherlands

Homepage Jaarverslag 2019 Joost Farwerck

With its fixed and mobile networks, KPN is literally rooted in the Netherlands. Every Dutch person - KPN customer or not - makes daily use of our network - directly or indirectly: from fiber optic connections in the ground to matrix signs above motorways, from the mobile 4G network to radio broadcasts.

Our customers recognize KPN for the quality and reliability of our networks and services, our high security standards and the sustainable way we run our business. Looking back at 2019, I am proud to see how committed our entire workforce was to delivering KPN’s services to our customers, in helping to execute our strategy and to delivering on our financial objectives.

Within KPN we are fully aware that the status quo is not an option, given the speed of digitalization in society. We therefore have a clear strategy in place to achieve organic sustainable growth. 2019 was the first full year of executing our three-pillar strategy, which is based on building the best network, focusing on profitable growth segments, and accelerating the simplification and digitalization of our organization.

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Review of the year

What happened at kpn in 2019

Read our review in full
Main achievements

Executing our strategy
at full speed

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Homepage JV2019 Belangrijkste Prestaties Preview EBITDA
In 2019 we achieved strong operating and financial results.
Homepage JV2019 Belangrijkste Prestaties Preview Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction
We are building on a satisfied and loyal customer base.
Homepage JV2019 Belangrijkste Prestaties Preview Converged Services2
Converged services
Increasingly, customers are purchasing several KPN products per household.
Value creation model

Delivering value on the short and long term

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Homepage JV2019 WCM3
Want to know more?

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Annual Report

KPN's themes

This is how we’re helping
to develop the Netherlands

Homepage Jaarverslag 2019 Joost Farwerck video

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Integrated Annual Report 2019 Single navigation 28feb / 4 MB Download
Integrated Annual Report 2019 Spread navigation 28feb / 4 MB Download
Dutch Single navigation 28feb / 1 MB Download
Consolidated Financial Statements / 44 KB Download
Social figures / 45 KB Download
Environmental figures / 74 KB Download
GRI Index / 106 KB Download

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KPN Annual Report 2019. The network of night owls foodies room mates